TextWorkshop tutor Rebecca Mileham has one of the world’s biggest collections of trails from museums, galleries and historic homes around the country. So it’s not surprising that at TextWorkshop, we’re pretty enthusiastic about sharing ideas on great trail-writing.
David Walmsley invited us to travel to the handsome city of Newcastle to work with a group of volunteers and staff from sites including Durham Cathedral, Beamish and the Grace Darling Museum among many other places. We were based in the Laing Art Gallery, which inspired delegates to write very creative trails in the afternoon, and the feedback included:
‘Today was brilliant, thank you! Everything was well-demonstrated with good activities.’
‘Fully met my expectations. I am going to redevelop our trails and make them more creative.’
‘Excellent pace, a very logical process and FUN.’
‘Enthralling. Lots of ideas to take away.’
‘Lovely lively team delivery.’
‘Exceeded my expectations. Excellent and enthusiastic trainers.’
‘A very positive day with excellent resources and experts.’
‘Lots of ideas, and the seven secrets will be a useful reminder tool.’
‘As a result of today I will develop a crime trail – a journey into an archive.’