Latest in series of bespoke workshops for WWT, National Museums Liverpool, Science Museum.

Introductory text for “news”
Latest in series of bespoke workshops for WWT, National Museums Liverpool, Science Museum.
TextWorkshop goes to Holyrood
Our funky new postcard is available now!
TextWorkshop’s seminar at the MA conference shares top tips
Join TextWorkshop for events on both days of the MA conference in Brighton this October
Delegates got up-to-speed on digital text-writing for blogs, twitter and on-screen at our first Digital TextWorkshop
Download advice and evaluation summaries on writing educational resources, workshops, and much more
We shared insiders’ tips for writing that promotes discussion at a lively workshop this week
We had a great workshop at the Museum of London Docklands on 3 February 2011
Fun with text at Chelmsford’s new museum